Call for abstracts: The global monsoon system: variability and dynamics



European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2013
7-12 April 2013
Vienna, Austria

Call for abstracts to Session AS 1.11:
The global monsoon system: variability and dynamics

Abstract submission deadline:9 January 2013
Deadline for support applications:30 November 2012

Convener:  Jianping Li (China;
Co-conveners:  Andrew Turner (UK;
Annalisa Bracco (USA;
Pascal Terray (France;

Session Description:

Monsoon systems are among the most complex coupled atmospheric and oceanic weather and climate phenomena. They produce much of the rainfall in the tropics and some subtropics and their variability is notoriously difficult to predict at all temporal scales, from intraseasonal to interdecadal. The energy they release impacts the overall circulation in the tropics and influences the mid/high-latitudes through teleconnection patterns. Each monsoon system, the Asian-Australian, African, and North and South American, involves multi-scale interactions among the Earth's atmosphere, ocean, land surface, cryosphere, and biosphere, and is impacted by human activities (land use, aerosols, greenhouse gas emission, etc.). Furthermore, the economies of many countries are strongly impacted by monsoon-related variability.

This session invites presentations on all aspects of monsoon dynamics, from the variability and predictability of the monsoon systems on multiple time-scales, to the impact of monsoons on climate extremes (floods and droughts), and linkages between monsoons and mid/high-latitude climate.

Observational, modeling and forecasting studies are welcome, as are those using palaeoclimate modeling or proxy data.


PS:  You are appreciated to forward the message to your colleagues who may be interested in participating this meeting.

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