WANG Huijun was honored “Distinguished Chinese Visiting Scholars” by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Prof. WANG Huijun was honored with the Distinguished Chinese Visiting Scholars of 2014 by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), and he was invited to visit PolyU over the period of November 23-28, 2014 and deliver a presentation of "Simulation of the Earth system and climate change” in the Faculty of Construction and Environment of PolyU. Prof. WANG was honored by Professor Timothy W. Tong, President of PolyU. During his visit, Professor WANG discussed with the staff of PolyU on the issues of climate change research, collaboration, student training, etc. 

The “Distinguished Chinese Visiting Scholars Scheme” was launched by PolyU in 1994. Every year, four-to-six distinguished scholars from different fields in the mainland of China are honored by this scheme, with an aim to enhance inter-institutional collaborations. This year, other five distinguished scholars are Prof. Ding Han, Prof. Xu Guanhua, Prof. Mei Hong, Prof. Huang Wei and Prof. Yang Xiurong. 

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