Dr. Tianjun Zhou becomes an Associate Editor of QJRMS


Dr. Tianjun Zhou, Deputy Director and Professor in the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG), Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, is invited to become an Associate Editor of the Quarterly Journal (QJ) of the UK Royal Meteorological Society by the Chief Editor Dr. Doug Parker.


QJ is acknowledged as one of the world’s leading meteorological journals and contains papers, notes and correspondence by leading meteorologists presenting the results of their research. Its current Impact Factor is 5.131.  

QJ needs AEs with excellent subject knowledge, and a good knowledge of the literature in their broad part of the field. AEs also have a role in promoting the wider impact of the journal, for instance by proposing special issues, and encouraging colleagues to submit high quality, high-impact papers.

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