2015 Editor's Award of Advances in Atmospheric Sciences


The Editor’s Award is given to an individual who has contributed a reviewer’s report of outstanding merit on a manuscript submitted for publication in Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (AAS, The quality of AAS depends essentially upon reviewers’ voluntary and painstaking efforts. Nominations are considered by the editors and editorial office, which make recommendations for final approval by the Editors-in-Chief.


2015 AAS Editor's Award is presented to




Wansuo Duan (China) 

For numerous, constructive, and timely reviews of manuscripts on predictability of weather and climate. 

Daoyi Gong (China) 

For providing a large number of timely and thorough reviews that have contributed to significant improvements of numerous manuscripts. 

Paul Hezel (Norway) 

For insightful reviews on a manuscript on Arctic climate change. 

Jinkyu Hong (Korea) 

For constructive reviews of a manuscript through several rounds of revision. 

Qingqing Li (China) 

For prompt and thorough reviews of many manuscripts 

Xiaoming Hu (U.S.A.) 

For multiple and timely reviews that improved manuscripts 

Sanjiv Kumar (Canada) 

For insightful and thorough reviews of a manuscript through several rounds of revision 

Gill Martin (U.K.) 

For thorough comments that have contributed to a much improved accepted article. 

Yoshihiro Tomikawa (Japan) 

For lengthy, fair and detailed reviews of a manuscript 

Qin Xu (U.S. A.) 

For detailed reviews of multiple manuscripts, always delivered on time. 

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