Tenure-track Position in ecosystem and land surface modeling at San Diego State University


The Ecological Program Area in the Department of Biology at San Diego State University invites applications for a tenure track Assistant or Associate Professor in Ecosystem and Land Surface Modeling, beginning in Fall 2015.  

Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Biology, Ecology, Atmospheric Sciences, Geography, or a related field, and demonstrated strength in modeling ecosystem and/or biosphere-atmosphere interactions.  Demonstrated research potential through a record of publications and funded grants is expected.  Demonstrated experience in running dynamic vegetation models (DVM) and land surface models (such as NCAR CLM) to quantity biospheric feedbacks on the climate system is considered strongly beneficial. The successful candidate should be able to teach, or contribute to, undergraduate and graduate courses in ecology, such as: ecology, ecosystems, climate change, sustainability, biosphere-atmosphere interaction and/or numeric modeling.  The successful candidate will join the Ecology Program Area of the Department of Biology with foci in Ecosystems and Climate Change, Behavioral Ecology, Coastal Marine Ecology, and Conservation Ecology.  The successful candidate will participate in the nationally highly ranked SDSU joint PhD program in ecology and the master’s program in ecology.   

The successful candidate will join and contribute to the recently established interdisciplinary Area of Excellence: The SDSU Center for Climate and Sustainability Studies (C2S2, http://c2s2.sdsu.edu ), interact with existing members as well as with new hires in Regional Climate Modeling and Scenarios (Department of Geography), Climate Interactions and Human Civilizations (Anthropology) and Climate Statistics (Mathematics and Statistics).  

SDSU is a large, diverse, urban university and Hispanic-Serving Institution with a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusive excellence.  Our campus community is diverse in many ways, including race, religion, color, sex, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, national origin, pregnancy, medical condition, and covered veteran status.  We strive to build and sustain a welcoming environment for all.  SDSU is seeking applicants with demonstrated experience in and/or commitment to teaching and working effectively with individuals from diverse backgrounds and members of underrepresented groups.  The College of Sciences is host to a large number of federally-funded minority training programs (described at http://www.sci.sdsu.edu/casa/).  

Apply via Interfolio at http://apply.interfolio.com/28387 . The application deadline is February 28, 2015, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled.  

Applications are accepted until the position is filled.  

For more information see: http://www.bio.sdsu.edu/jobs/, or contact any C2S2 faculty. 

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