[Seminar on Aug 23] Human-Water Interface in Hydrological Modeling: Implications of GRACE Observations for Drought Monitoring and Forecasting


Dr. Wanshu Nie

The Johns Hopkins University

10am, Aug 23, 2018

Room 319, Building 40, IAP


Wanshu Nie received her bachelor’s and master’s degree in Hydraulic Engineering Department at Tsinghua University. She is now a Ph.D. candidate in the Earth and Planetary Sciences Department at Johns Hopkins University. Her primary research interest is to understand the impact of human activities on hydrological water cycle and climate over a broad range of scales. In order to do this, she is pursuing two parallel workflows: (1) improving representation of human-water interfaces in Land Surface Models (LSMs), and (2) advancing assimilation of remotely sensed hydrological measurements to LSMs. By combining these two methods, she aims to improve the simulation of water and energy fluxes, thus benefiting drought monitoring and forecast skills within a context of anthropogenic water regulation.

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