[Seminar on October 8] The role of anthropogenic aerosol in global and regional climate change
Dr. Laura Wilcox
Reading University, UK
Room 1118, IAP New Building
10am, Oct 8, 2018
There are many species of anthropogenic aerosol. The first part of this talk focuses only on sulphate aerosol. Sulphate aerosol can interact with the radiation balance directly by scattering radiation, or indirectly through their interactions with clouds. Overall, sulphate produces a negative radiative forcing of climate, causing a cooler surface and decreases in precipitation. The magnitude of the indirect effect is currently uncertain, and its representation in models is diverse. I will explore the global response to the indirect effects of sulphate changes in CMIP5, and quantify the contributions to the uncertainty in this response.
In the second half of the talk, I will quantify the role of all species of anthropogenic aerosol in historical circulation changes, with a particular focus on the effects of Asian aerosol on Asian, European, and global climate.