[Seminar on Oct 12] Recent Advances in Satellite Remote Sensing of


Prof. Jun Wang, University of Iowa, USA

15:00,Oct 12, 2018

Room 912, Building 40, IAP


Abstract: Since 1999 when NASA launched Terra, the first satellite as part of its Earth Observation System (EOS), many new techniques have been developed to measure properties of aerosols and fires from space, thereby providing muchneeded information for air quality and climate research. In this talk, I will provide a brief overview of the progresses we made in this area. A few examples from my research group will be provided, including: (a) MODIS retrieval of aerosols over the coastal turbid water, (b) EPIC retrieval of aerosol plume height from O2 A and B bands, and (c) VIIRS retrieval of fires at night using visible light measured by its Day-Night-Band. Lastly, I shall give an outlook of using satellite observations to constrain the aerosol and fire emissions toward better forecast of air quality

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