[Seminar on Aug 11] Heavy Rainfall over China and Typhoon Activity in 2020:


Prof. Chunzai Wang

South China Sea Institute of Oceanology,

Chinese Academy of Sciences

9:30am, Aug 11, 2020


Tencent Meeting ID: 891 452 771)





2020 is an unusual year. Heavy rainfall occurred over China in the summer, and typhoon activity in the western North Pacific was very quiet from January to July. This talk will focus on possible mechanisms responsible for the heavy rainfall in China and quiet typhoon activity. It is shown that the sea surface temperature changes in three oceans of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans all made contribution to the anomalous anticyclone in the western North Pacific. This anomalous anticyclone caused an enhanced moisture transport to China, an increased upward movement in China, and an unfavorable environment to typhoons in the western North Pacific, thus contributing to heavy rainfall in China and quiet typhoon activity. The talk also will briefly review the present understanding of three-ocean interactions and global climate.

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