[Seminar on June 11] EarthCARE and Aeolus aerosol profile products


Ping Wang
KNMI, Netherland
2:30pm, June 11, 2024
Aeolus, launched in 2018, focuses on measuring wind profiles. While wind is its primary target, Aeolus also generates aerosol data as a secondary product, which can be used to infer information about aerosol properties. Launched on May 29, 2024, EarthCARE has a more comprehensive mission to study clouds and aerosols. It carries a sophisticated lidar called ATLID (Atmospheric Laser Doppler Instrument), which operates at a 3-channel linearly polarized High-Spectral Resolution (HSRL) system at 355 nm. This report will provide an overview of the sensors and corresponding aerosol profile algorithms.
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