[Seminar on July 24] Early detection of Polar Lows: criteria analysis and case studies


Dr. Natalia Vazaeva   

A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, RAS

15:00, July 24, 2024

Room 1218, IAP Building 3


Polar Lows (PL) are important extreme weather systems mainly formed in the Arctic region that are able to cover about 100 km during the period of their existence. Early detection of PL is impeded by the lack of forecasting efficiency and the sudden nature of the occurrence. We consider the possible prognostic criteria of the PL, in particular, helicity as a squared characteristic related to integral vortex formations and kinematic vorticity number. Our estimation of the helicity is based on its remarkable property – the connection of integral helicity content in the Ekman layer with the geostrophic wind velocity. We use reanalysis data and the findings of numerical modeling in the WRF-ARW model for such a calculation and experimental data to verify the results.


Dr. Natalia Victorovna Vazaeva is a Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of geophysical hydrodynamics of the A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS). She graduated from the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU) in 2013 and pass her PhD defense in 2018 (atmospheric physics). The main directions of her scientific activity are boundary layer, instability, nonlinear processes in Geosciences, turbulence, coherent structures as rolls/streaks/thermals, squalls, numerical simulation, data assimilation, data analysis and treatment, aerosols, dust, chemical processes, air quality and air pollution, renewable energy, convection, polar lows/mesocyclones/tornadoes/storms/hurricanes/cyclones, waves and vortices.


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