Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2010 Impact Factor increased to 0.925


According to the newly published 2010 ISI Journal Citation Report ? (JCR) (Available online from

JCR/JCR?RQ=HOME), Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (AAS) citation performance has taken a good step. Its impact factor increased to 0.925, compared to that of 0.691 in 2009.

Also, we are happy to see that AAS's ranking among peer international journals has also improved. It has risen from Q4 quartile (ranked 54 among total 64 journals) in 2009 to Q3 quartile (ranked 50 among total 68 journals) in 2010.

AAS now has adopted the ScholarOne Manuscripts platform ( ScholarOne is the world’s leading provider of innovative web-based solutions for submission and peer review. The editors hope that they could provide better publishing service by optimizing the editorial workflow and facilitating the publishing efficiency, based on this web-enhanced platform.

Thank you all for your support to the journal and welcome your submission!

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