Foundation of the CAS-TWAS International Center for Climate and Environment Sciences


CAS-TWAS Center of Excellence project, standing out through inspection and evaluation, with the advocating and support of Prof. Chunli Bai, president of CAS and TWAS, as well as the joint promotion from CAS and TWAS, was officially launched in 2013. CAS-TWAS Center of Excellence is established to fully utilize the network of TWAS, and to further enhance the cooperation between CAS and TWAS, specifically the collaboration between China and other developing countries. TWAS has covered this event through its website:  (

As one of the first five Centers of Excellence, ICCES is devoted to establishing the cooperative and innovation research center of CAS and TWAS in the area of climate and environment sciences, and provide services to the developing countries with scientific support and advisory, capacity building, etc.. The main tasks of ICCES are:

1) Researches on the key scientific problems in global climate and environmental changes, providing services for the national and international requirements on sustainable developments, as well as consultation for scientific policies in the negotiation of global climate change.

2) Organize the CTWF international workshops and training workshops, provides exchange programs for international visiting scholars and students from developing countries, and fosters key international cooperative projects on the research of climate and environmental change,

3)Organize high-level international cooperative projects of climate and environmental changes, strengthen the scientific research capacity of developing countries, and improve the understanding of climate change as well as the experiences of management and adaptation in TWAS members.

ICCES will continue to be the host of CAS-TWAS-WMO Forum, and will organize the 12th international workshop as well as another international training workshop. The international training workshop will be held in Beijing during 14-23 July, 2013, with the theme of "extreme weather and climate event". The training workshop is expected to invite 10 well-known scholars from China and abroad as lecturers and more than 50 young research scientists from developing countries to attend.(more details: The 12th CAS-TWAS-WMO Forum, the International workshop on "operational oceanography for developing countries", will be held at Beijing Yuanchenxin Hotel, China, September 9-12, 2013. The workshop will be a starting point to strengthen collaboration among all developing countries interested in operational oceanography by discussing common scientific and infrastructure issues. (more details:

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