[Early Online Release] Analysis of nonstationary wind fluctuations using the Hilbert–Huang transform


Climatological patterns in wind fluctuations on time scales of 1–10 h are analyzed at a meteorological mast at the Yangmeishan wind farm, Yunnan Province, China. The Hilbert-Huang transform is applied to investigate climatological patterns between wind variability and time of year, time of day, wind direction, and pressure tendency compared with those for offshore sites. 

Citation:  Xu, J.-J., and F. Hu, 2014: Analysis of nonstationary wind fluctuations using the Hilbert–Huang transform, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 7, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.14.0024. 


Diurnal Hilbert spectrum averaged for the years 2010–11 for frequencies between 0.1 cycles per hour and 1 cycle per hour. 

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