[Early Online Release] Role of the radiative effect of black carbon in simulated PM2.5 concentrations during a haze event in China


The authors quantify the radiative effect of black carbon (BC) on simulated aerosol concentrations during the heavily polluted haze event of 11–14 January 2013 in northern China using the chemistry version of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF-Chem). BC emissions were doubled (2BC), tripled (3BC), and quadrupled (4BC) relative to the CTRL run. The radiative effect of BC was simulated to increase concentrations of aerosols over Tianjin (Dom1) and southern Henan (Dom3), but to decrease in southern Hebei (Dom2). Relative to the CTRL simulation, concentrations of PM2.5 over Dom1, Dom2, and Dom3 were simulated in 4BC to change by +18.6 μg m?3 (+32.3%), ?5.7 μg m?3 (?7.3%), and +7.2 μg m?3 (+12.6%), respectively.  

Citation: Liao, L., and H. Liao, 2014: Role of the radiative effect of black carbon in simulated PM2.5 concentrations during a haze event in China, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 7, doi:10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.14.0023. 



Simulated differences in concentrations of (a) PM2.5, (b) BC, (c) OC, (d) sulfate, (e) nitrate, (f) ammonium, (g) ozone, and also meteorological parameters of (h) PBLH, (i) wind divergence at 850 hPa, (j) RH2, (k) T2, and (l) cloud fraction between 4BC and the CTRL simulations (4BC minus CTRL). Units are indicated at the top of each panel. Simulated differences in concentrations of BC were calculated as a quarter of BC concentration in 4BC minus BC concentration in CTRL.  

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