IAP and UK Imperial College signed an MoU


An Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for educational and scientific cooperation was signed between the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and UK Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine in Beijing on 18th November 2014. Prof. ZHU Jiang, Director General of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics and Prof. Jeff MAGEE,  Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Imperial College, jointly signed the agreement. 

Imperial College London is a world class provider of education and research in science, engineering, medicine and business, with particular regard to their application in industry, commerce and healthcare. 

The IAP and the Imperial College  desire to undertake collaborative research activities for the mutual benefit of both parties. Both parties wish to work together to explore the strategic relationships in research and development in the area of environmental research with next generation mathematical modelling and applications to ocean, atmospheric sciences and environmental science. The first goal of the collaboration projects will lead to construct a next-generation unstructured and adaptive mesh air pollution model; including developing together an ocean prediction system for the seas in both countries based on this technology. Both parities will also consider building a "China-UK Joint Lab for Environmental Prediction". 



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