Multifractal characteristics of intermittent turbulence in the urban canopy layer


The multifractality of energy and thermal dissipation of fully developed intermittent turbulence in the urban canopy layer is investigated by the singularity spectrum. An ultrasonic anemometer with a high sampling frequency of 100 Hz was used to obtain high-order moment properties. The authors found that the singular exponents of energy and thermal dissipation rates are most frequently encountered at around 0.2, which is significantly smaller than those for a wind tunnel at a moderate Reynolds number. The evidence indicates a higher intermittency of turbulence at a high Reynolds number. Furthermore, the temperature field is more intermittent than the velocity field. 


The singularity spectrum  curve of the energy dissipation rate ε and thermal dissipation rate χ. 

Citation: Xu, J.-J., and F. Hu, 2015: Multifractal characteristics of intermittent turbulence in the urban canopy layer. Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 8, 000–000, doi:10.3878/AOSL20140080. 


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