Observed diurnal cycle of summer precipitation over South Asia and East Asia based on CMORPH and TRMM satellite data


The characteristics of the summer precipitation diurnal cycle over South Asia and East Asia during 2001–13 are investigated based on the high spatiotemporal resolution estimates of the CPC (Climate Prediction Center) Morphing (CMORPH) technique. The results show that summer precipitation over South Asia and East Asia possesses a remarkable diurnal cycle, with obvious regional differences. Over the coastal areas, plateau, and high mountains, summer precipitation peaks in the late afternoon; while over low altitude areas, such as valleys, basins, and inshore seas, it peaks during midnight to early morning. In addition to these general features consistent with previous studies, the high resolution CMORPH technique can depict finer regional details, such as the less coherent phase pattern over a few regions. Besides, through comparative analysis of the diurnal cycle strength and precipitation fields, the authors find that for humid areas the summer precipitation diurnal cycle is especially significant over Southeast China, the Sichuan Basin, Hainan Province, Taiwan Province, the Philippines, and Indonesia. And it is relatively weak over the south of Northeast China, central East China, Yunnan Province, the central Indian Peninsula, and most oceanic areas.  


      Distribution of two measurements of the summer precipitation diurnal cycle: (a) strength; (b) phase. 


Citation: Zhang, X.-X., X.-Q. Bi, and X.-H. Kong, 2015: Observed diurnal cycle of summer precipitation over South Asia and East Asia based on CMORPH and TRMM satellite data, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 8, doi: 10.3878/AOSL20150010. 



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