IAP Scientist Participated in Organizing the International Workshop on Dynamics, Transport and Chemistry of the UTLS Asian Monsoon


During March 7-11, 2016, a workshop on dynamics, transport and chemistry of the upper troposphere and lowers stratosphere (UTLS) Asian monsoon was held in National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colorado, USA. This workshop was concerned about how the surface emitted pollutants were transported by deep convection and three dimensional large scale circulation, and the dynamics, microphysics, aerosol, atmospheric composition and chemistry in the Asian summer monsoon tropopuase layer. The workshop focused on dynamics, transport and chemistry in the monsoon region, including synthesis of observations from satellites, aircraft and balloons, and modeling from regional to global scales. The workshop was aiming for a relatively small and highly interactive workshop, especially including scientists who are actively engaged in UTLS monsoon research. A particular motivation for the workshop at this point was a variety of upcoming experimental activities in the Asian monsoon region in the near future.

Dr. Jianchun Bian from Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences is one of six scientists in the scientific organizing committee. Other scientists are Dr. William Randel and Dr. Laura Pan (senior scientists from NACR), Dr. Michelle Santee (manager of the Earth Atmospheric Section of JPL/NASA), Dr. Rolf Muller (from Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH), and Dr. Chiara Cagnazzo (from Italian National Research Council). Three IAP scientists (Dr. Yimin Liu, Dr. Rongcai Ren, and Dr. Jianchun Bian) attended the workshop and gave scientific talks on "South Asian High and upper-troposphere temperature maximum in summer", "Some characteristics of the stratosphere-troposphere dynamic coupling over the Tibetan plateau region", "Overview of the Sounding Water vapor, Ozone and Particle (SWOP) campaign during the Asian summer monsoon", respectively. During the workshop, Dr. Jianchun Bian served as the chair of the section of "Aerosols, clouds, radiation".


During the workshop, some international up-to-date scientific activities and advances were acquainted, and the Chinese scientific results and activities were introduced. Furthermore, collaboration plans on the international field campaigns have been designed for the near future between Chinese scientists and international teams.

More information about the workshop can be found at https://www2.acom.ucar.edu/asian-monsoon .

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