Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters Indexed by GEOBASE
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters (AOSL), an English journal hosted by IAP, was recently informed by EI Content Team that AOSL is accepted into GEOBASE.
GEOBASE is a database of indexed research literature unequalled in its coverage of the international geoscience literature: Earth sciences, ecology, geology, human and physical geography, environmental sciences, oceanography, geomechanics, alternative energy sources, pollution, waste management and nature conservation. The content crosses subject, language and cultural boundaries, providing a unique research tool to users. GEOBASE covers 3+ million abstract records of multidisciplinary content enabling comprehensive geological evaluation of any desired region. This includes geological structure and relation to natural resources as well as linking resource management, transport, and regional and urban planning.
AOSL is an Open Access journal published by KeAi, a joint adventure founded by Elsevier and China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. AOSL has been indexed by internationally renowned database including ESCI (Web of Science), Scopus (CiteScore 2019: 2.1), GEOBASE, DOAJ, JSTChi, and CSCD.