Observation Campaign in the Deep Interior of the Taklamakan Desert


A team of scientists from the Department of Lower Atmosphere Observation and Research of the CAS Institute of Atmospheric Physics wrapped up their one-month intensive observation campaign in the deep interior of the Taklamakan desert on 31 July, 2021. The team, led by Prof. ZHOU Libo, built the weather station in the unmanned region of the desert in September last year and this time, they flew drones and radiosonde to gather aerosols and other atmospheric data, which are instrumental to understand atmospheric processes and land-air mass-energy exchange in the Taklamakan Desert and provide knowledge on the atmospheric processes in the arid region.

The team start for the deep interior of the Taklamakan desert in the early morning to look for the weather station built last year. (Image by ZHOU Libo)

The team repair and upgrade equipment. (Image by ZHOU Libo)


All set: Equipment for Land-air interaction observation. (Image by Zhou Libo)


Release a radiosonde. (Image by ZHOu Libo)


The drone takes off to gather data of aerosols. 



Media contact: Ms. LIN Zheng, jennylin@mail.iap.ac.cn
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