CAO Junji Elected Vice President of International Aerosol Research Assembly


Prof. CAO Junji with the CAS Institute of Atmospheric Physics was elected the vice president of International Aerosol Research Assembly (IARA) at the international aerosol conference held in Athens, Greece in September.
The IARA, founded in USA in 1984, is an organization consisting of national, regional and special interest aerosol research associations. The mission of IARA is to promote scientific knowledge and cooperation in the field of aerosol research internationally. Every four years, IARA holds an international aerosol conference, which is one of the most prominent events in the international aerosol research community. 
CAO attended the international aerosol conference 2022 virtually.
Prof. CAO Junji has 20+ years of experience conducting atmospheric aerosol and environment studies. Currently, he is the director of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was the President of Asian Aerosol Research Assembly during 2011-2014. Prof. CAO has published more than 700 SCI-indexed papers, with total GoogleScholar citations of 54000+ and H-index of 109. Since 2018, he has been on Clarivate list of Highly Cited Researchers every year. He has received many distinguished international awards, including Haagen-Smit Clean Air Awards, Frank A. Chambers Excellence in Air Pollution Control Award, and the TWAS award in earth, astronomy and space sciences.
Media contact: Ms. LIN Zheng,
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