2022 LASG Annual Meeting and the 20th LASG Climate System Model Symposium Held


The Annual Meeting and the 20th Climate System Model Symposium of the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modelling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG), Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) was held in Beijing from April 7 to 8, 2023 in Beijing. 
LASG deputy director Prof. DUAN Wansuo presided over the opening ceremony. Prof. LU Riyu, Deputy Director of IAP, gave opening remarks. He affirmed the achievements LASG had made in past 38 years and pledged full support for LASG in its future development. Prof. XIAO Ziniu, LASG Director gave an annual work report. He outlined LASG major advances in 2022 in terms of project application, research output and talent cultivation. In 2023, LASG will be oriented to the State key laboratory reform situation and strive to bring the laboratory development to a new high. 
The scientific program consisted of 48 oral talks, of which 19 were invited, which centered around climate dynamics, Earth system model development and application, geophysical fluid dynamics and predictability. Research results of a wide range of topics were presented. These talks brought both up-to-date reports on frontier and interdisciplinary research questions in atmospheric science, and the application of new technology. Great interest was aroused among attendees and active interaction followed. 
Model development has been the key research area of the lab. The twentieth LASG Climate System Model Symposium was held on the second day. LASG climate, ocean and land surface model researchers reported advances in each field and had in-depth exchange with model development groups from universities, institutes and operational sectors. 
Prior to the annual meeting on April 6, LASG Open Research Program Assessment Meeting was held. Each program undertaker reported on his work in the last year. Assessment panel reviewed the implantation of each program and proposed on future work. 
Over two hundred researchers and graduates attended the meeting and more than 3000 people watched the live.
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