Germany's delegation from the Academy of Sciences visits IAP


Germany's delegation from the Academy of Sciences visited the Institute of Atmospheric Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences on July 6, 2023. The delegation, led by Gerald H. Haug, President of the German Academy of Sciences, included Ruth Narmann, Director of the International Relations Department of the German Academy of Sciences, senior official Kathrin Kraller, Professor Harald Fuchs from the University of Muenster, and Professor Katharina Kohse-Hoinghaus, a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences from the University of Bielefeld.
In the morning, accompanied by CAO Junji, Director of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, WANG Zifa, Director of the State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Physics and Atmospheric Chemistry, and SU Hang, Director of the newly restructured National Research Center, the German delegation visited the "Earth Lab," a large scientific facility for Earth system numerical simulation. CAO Junji warmly welcomed the German delegation and introduced the design concept, functions, and significant role of the large facility in simmulating and projecting Earth' systems. Gerald H. Haug, President of the German Academy of Sciences, expressed gratitude for the warm reception by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics. Both sides agreed that strengthening international cooperation and exchange is of great significance and expressed the hope to further enhance interactions between researchers from the two countries.
In the afternoon, accompanied by WANG Zifa, the German delegation visited the IAP tower branch, including a 325-meter high meteorological observation tower, the real-time data transmission system in the meteorological tower control room, and the equipment for online observation of atmospheric pollution. WANG Zifa introduced the construction process of the meteorological tower and its current important role in atmospheric science research.
Later, a discussion was held between the delegation from the German Academy of Sciences and representatives of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, including LU Riyu, Deputy Director of the institute, as well as relevant research backbone representatives and management personnel. LU Riyu introduced the overview of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics and its research organization, and reviewed the history of cooperation between the institute and German research institutions. Researchers from both sides presented their respective research progress. The German delegation highlighted the upcoming Second "Science and the Future" symposium to be hosted in Germany next year, with a special emphasis on the role of youth in shaping the future of science. Subsequently, in-depth discussions were held on future cooperation directions, and priority areas for exchange and collaboration were determined, including carbon neutrality, climate and environmental change.
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