Unraveling the Mysteries of Drought Intensification on the Mongolian Plateau


Rising temperatures and shifting precipitation patterns have led to a profound exacerbation of drought conditions in arid and semi-arid ecosystems, triggering significant impacts on regional environments, water resources, and agriculture. In recent years, the Mongolian Plateau (MP), nestled within arid and semi-arid zones, has been grappling with severe drought, giving rise to desertification and land degradation.
Inner Mongolia plateau in summer. (Image taken by WANG Licheng in 2021)

One of the most crucial factors influencing drought climate variation is precipitation. While recent research has primarily focused on precipitation fluctuations in northern China, our understanding of the mechanisms behind precipitation changes across the entire Mongolian Plateau remains limited. A recent study published in Global and Planetary Change by Center for Monsoon System Research at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has unveiled the characteristics and mechanisms of summer precipitation variations on the Mongolian Plateau from 1979 to 2021.
"The findings highlight the significant interannual and decadal fluctuations in the dominant mode of summer precipitation on the Mongolian Plateau. This dominant mode is influenced both by internal atmospheric circulation and remote ocean forcing." Said the lead author, Dr. LI Yulan. A teleconnection pattern of internal atmospheric circulation stretching from Northern Europe to the Arctic and East Asia, termed the North Pacific-Eurasian (NPE) wave train, has emerged as a key driver of summer precipitation variability in the MP. Anomalous cyclonic circulation associated with the NPE pattern triggers enhanced vertical motion and water vapor convergence, leading to increased MP precipitation.
Furthermore, anomalies in the North Atlantic dipole-like sea surface temperature trigger poleward-propagating zonal wave trains, contributing to heightened MP precipitation. Sensitivity experiments have corroborated the influence of North Atlantic dipole-like sea surface temperature anomalies on MP precipitation changes. First-corresponding author of the article, associate professor GONG Hainan, pointed out "Quantitative analysis further reveals that internal atmospheric NPE teleconnections account for approximately 21% of the total variance in MP summer precipitation, while the impact of North Atlantic Ocean forcing, although comparatively weaker, explains around 10% of the total precipitation variance on the Mongolian Plateau."
This new research not only enhances our understanding of the complex interplay of atmospheric and oceanic processes driving drought intensification on the Mongolian Plateau but also sheds light on the larger implications for regional water resources, ecosystems, and agriculture. The study's second-corresponding author, professor CHEN Wen, stressed that as climate challenges persist, these insights will prove invaluable in developing strategies to mitigate the impacts of escalating drought conditions.
Citation: Yulan Li, Hainan Gong, Wen Chen, Lin Wang, Renguang Wu, Zizhen Dong, Jinling Piao, Kangjie Ma, 2023:Summer precipitation variability in the Mongolian Plateau and its possible causes. Global and Planetary Change. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104189.
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Ms. LIN Zheng
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