IAP Hosts 2023 Academic Annual Meeting


The Institute of Atmospheric Physics celebrated its 95th anniversary by convening the 2023 Academic Annual Meeting on September 9-10, 2023, in the new Miyun campus. Over 300 participants from more than 30 institutions, such as the China Meteorological Administration, Peking University, Tsinghua University, and others, attended the event.
During the opening ceremony, Director CAO Junji warmly welcomed the distinguished guests and provided a brief overview of the Institute's illustrious 95-year history. He called upon attendees to uphold the spirit of previous generations of scientists and advance atmospheric science research in China to new heights.
Several notable figures, including university presidents and senior officials, extended their congratulations and best wishes for the Institute's 95th anniversary. They highlighted the significance of the Annual Meeting as a high-level platform for scientific exchange in the field of atmospheric science.
The opening ceremony also featured the presentation of certificates to five esteemed CAS fellows who have contributed significantly to the Institute over the past 50 years. Their outstanding contributions were acknowledged with prolonged applause.
The Annual Meeting featured special presentations from renowned scholars on topics such as non-instantaneous convection-convergence feedback, the role of dynamic models and AI in prediction systems, advances in atmospheric chemistry, and the impacts of changing ENSO in a warming climate.
The meeting included two concurrent sessions, one focused on Earth system numerical models and the other on atmospheric environment and extreme weather. These sessions covered a wide range of topics and provided a platform for experts to discuss the latest research developments and future directions in atmospheric science.
In addition to the presentations, the Institute showcased its research achievements through 65 poster presentations. The closing ceremony included discussions on meteorological modeling practices for the next-generation computing systems and the presentation of awards to mentors for their dedicated service.
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