[Xinhua] Chinese Scientists Establish Bilingual Air Quality Research Data Sharing Platform


BEIJING, May 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese scientists recently launched a comprehensive bilingual data sharing platform, named the China Air Pollution Data Center (CAPDC), for air quality research and management.
Accessible at www.capdatabase.cn, the CAPDC is the first data sharing platform focused specifically on atmospheric pollution complexities in China, according to an introduction paper of the CAPDC that has been published in the journal Advances in Atmospheric Sciences.
Eight data categories are available on the platform, including emission inventory, chemical reanalysis, field observation, satellite observation, laboratory measurement, and source profile, containing 258 datasets and 15 technical reports in total.
The emission inventory category provides nine datasets covering various anthropogenic and natural sources. The chemical reanalysis category comprises three datasets, including high-resolution air quality reanalysis and PM2.5 composition data, while the field observation category offers 221 datasets ranging from 2011 to 2021, featuring field measurements captured in 41 cities, with focus on the likes of cloud characteristics and aerosol parameters.
"The platform allows for rapid searching and downloading of data, and provides a solid data and support foundation for future related research," said the paper.
Spearheaded by Peking University, in collaboration with Tsinghua University, the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Normal University, and 3Clear Science & Technology Co., Ltd, the platform offers bilingual services comprising both English and Chinese. 
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