First IAP-NIES Young Scientists Symposium on Atmospheric Environment and Climate Change Held in Japan


The First Young Scientists Symposium on Atmospheric Environment and Climate Change, co-organized by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan, was held in Japan on July 11-12, 2024.

group photo

Zhang Yaping, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Masahide Kimoto, President of the National Institute for Environmental Studies, and Cao Junji, Director of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, attended the meeting and delivered opening speeches. Zhang Yaping stated that global climate and environmental governance have become crucial issues for human development and key areas for international cooperation. China and Japan have also conducted long-term exchanges and cooperation in the fields of climate change and atmospheric environment. He hopes that through this symposium, young scientists from China and Japan will further engage in substantial exchanges and cooperation, jointly addressing global climate and environmental challenges, and contributing wisdom and strength to the sustainable development of human society.

The symposium was jointly organized by Dai Tie from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics and Daisuke Goto from the National Institute for Environmental Studies. More than 20 young scientists from both institutions attended the symposium. The young scientists from both sides conducted in-depth discussions on topics such as satellite observation of long- and short-lived atmospheric pollutants, model simulation and data assimilation, development and application of climate system models and earth system models, and theories and mechanisms of climate dynamics. They reached an intention to further strengthen exchanges and cooperation.

Signing Ceremony

During the meeting, Cao Junji and Masahide Kimoto also signed a new memorandum of understanding for cooperation, aimed at continuing to promote collaborative research and exchanges in the fields of atmospheric environment and climate change.

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