Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric Environment and Air Quality Prediction

Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric Environment and Air Quality Prediction (ACEP) is one of the research themes of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The research under this theme is mainly undertaken by the State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Physics and Atmospheric Chemistry (LAPC), as well as a number of outstanding groups from other departments of IAP-CAS. The efforts of the ACEP theme mainly lie in basic, applied and forward-looking research to promote scientific development and to meet the urgent needs of the state regarding, for example, environmental governance, development of ecological civilization and harmonious society, and diplomatic negotiation related to climate and environment issues.

The ACEP theme of IAP-CAS was initiated in the early 1980s. Since then, its interdisciplinary research capacity in atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric environment, and air quality prediction has been under continuous construction. It has successfully established a unique full-chain innovation system, which is made up of four study types mutually promoting each other. These study types are:

(i) technical/methodological studies to improve data quality, and network/comprehensive observations to collect unique datasets to enable groundbreaking fundamental research and to support the establishment of advanced models;

(ii) deepening understanding of processes/mechanisms, and theoretical development;

(iii) design/development of process-oriented models; and

(iv) modeling-based studies to promote scientific understanding at different temporal/spatial scales and to support decision-making of policymakers or stakeholders.

Leading Scientists
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