Key Atmospheric Physical Processes—Observations, Theories, and Applications

"Key atmospheric physical processes—observations, theories, and applications" is one of the major research areas at the IAP. This subject, mainly associated with two key laboratories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)—the Laboratory of Middle Atmosphere and Global Environment Observation (LAGEO) and the Laboratory of Cloud-Precipitation Physics and Severe Storms (LACS), aims:

· to establish a global platform for long-term monitoring of the whole atmosphere’s constituents and elements, and a multi-dimensional, multi-scale intelligent observation platform for clouds, precipitation, and lightning physics;  
· to achieve refined detection capabilities for key atmospheric physical processes (including atmospheric radiation, cloud and precipitation physics, aerosol physics, lightning and atmospheric electricity, microscale and mesoscale dynamics, atmospheric boundary layer physics, and interactions between the upper and lower atmospheres); 
· to understand the variations and mechanisms of key atmospheric physical processes and to improve the numerical simulation and prediction capabilities of atmospheric models for atmospheric physical processes by developing new parameterization schemes and assimilation methods.

Our team has been actively organizing and participating in international research programs and important international conferences. Our field campaign of the Sounding Water vapor, Ozone, and Particle (SWOP) program carried out coordinated experiments with related programs in an international activity: Atmospheric Composition and the Asian Monsoon (ACAM), and we conducted a triggering lightning program using rocket-and-wire techniques.

Leading Scientists
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