Monsoon dynamics and climate prediction

IAP has laid a solid foundation for research on monsoon dynamics and climate prediction. Since the 1950s, the IAP has conducted internationally leading research on the changes of atmospheric circulation over East Asia and on the TP meteorology. Current research topics include:

· the East Asian summer monsoon and tropical air–sea interaction
· the impact of the TP on the interaction between the monsoons and oceans
· the dynamics of the East Asian winter monsoon and its interaction with the tropical ocean
· the changes and mechanisms of extreme climate events
· climate prediction theories and methods, and 
· the mechanisms for regional climate change and monsoon projection under global warming. 

The research objectives are to promote the theoretical study of monsoon dynamics, to establish a relatively complete theoretical system for the variation of the East Asian monsoon and the physical laws of extreme climate disasters, to develop a summer climate prediction system for key areas in China and improve the prediction accuracy, and to expound the impacts of the climate system and human activities on extreme climate changes, so as to provide reliable scientific support for China’s approach to disaster prevention and mitigation.

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