Recently, the Center for Monsoon System Research of Institute of Atmospheric Physics released its first version of the Integrated Climate Model (ICM). The model has been developed for the seasonal prediction of the East Asian-western North Pacific (EA-WNP) climate. The ICM integrates the models of atmospheric ECHAM5 and oceanic NEMO2.3 using OASIS3 as the coupler. By assessing the model, Ping Huang at the Institute of Atmospheric Physic, CAS, and his colleagues could illustrate that the new model successfully reproduces the climatology and inter-annual variation of the EA-WNP climate and other important climatic systems. The results indicate that the ICM is a reliable model for the seasonal prediction of the EA-WNP climate. [Adv Atmos Sci, 2014; 31: 1136–46, download:; ].
The release of the ICM was reported by National Science Review (NSR, as "Research Highlights: Editors’ selection of papers from China’s academic journals". Under the auspices of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, NSR is a new journal aimed at reviewing cutting-edge developments across science and technology in China and around the world. Initially published quarterly, the journal focus on topics of interest to the international science community, including multi-national collaborations, global issues in scientific and technological development, and their impact on society in general.