On May 16, 2017, World Meteorological Organization (WMO) presents its 61st International Meteorological Prize (IMO) to Prof. ZENG Qing-Cun, a member of Chinese Academy of Sciences. The award ceremony, chaired by WMO Secretary General Dr. Petteri TAALAS, is held during 69th session of WMO Executive Council Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. WMO President Dr. David GRIMES speaks highly of Prof. ZENG's contribution. In particular, Dr. GRIMES notes Prof. ZENG's role as a great mentor, having educated many outstanding students from the developing countries.
The IMO Prize is the most important award in meteorology and is named after WMO’s predecessor organization the International Meteorological Organization. It is awarded annually to scientists that have made outstanding contributions to meteorology, hydrology and geophysical sciences.Prof. ZENG is from CAS Institute of Atmospheric Physics. He won the award for his contributions to satellite meteorological remote-sensing theory, numerical weather prediction theory, meteorological disaster prevention, as well as the earth system model.
Prof. ZENG receives the Prize from WMO Offiers. (Image by ZHU Jiang)

Prof. ZENG gives a talk after receiving the Prize. (Image by ZHU Jiang)

Prof. ZENG's IMO Prize citation (Image by ZHU Jiang)

IMO Prize Certificate (Image by ZHU Jiang)