Chief Director:Mr.Li Guangping Tel:+86-316-8331053
The scientific objective of XIANGHE Atmospheric Integrated Observatory is to focus on the middle atmosphere from 10 km to 100 km. It will provide long-term integrated data of atmospheric ozone, temperature, water vapor, and pressure profiles, atmospheric aerosols and minor gases, which provide elemental data for the interaction between the middle atmosphere and the upper or lower atmosphere, the exploration of the physical processes of the relationship between solar radiation and climate, the development of whole atmosphere climate model, space weather forecast, and the security applications of aviation and spaceflight. It will be a unique base for validation of atmospheric radiative transfer algorithms and satellite remote sensing, and a typical integrated monitoring site of atmospheric environment in north China, which has been influenced by the strong human activity, in order to better understand the interaction between human activity and the global environmental change.
XIANGHE Integrated Observatory is located at N39o47’54’’, E116o57’28’’, with an altitude of 35 m, about 60 km to the southeast of Beijing. It was built in 1974, covering about 7 hectares. During 1970s to 1980s, active and passive microwave remote sensing of cloud and precipitation, ozone column measurement by Dobson instrument, and reception of satellite cloud images, etc., were carried out. In 1980s, the stratospheric balloons were successfully launched for multiple international cooperative scientific experiments. At the end of 1980s, the construction of VHF/MST radar established. A lot of atmospheric boundary layer observations were done in mid 1990s. Many integrated campaigns of UT/LS exchange has started recently. The observatory provides nice accommodation and working conditions. Technical supports are available for measurements. Cooperation and data share are the policy of this observatory.

The antenna array of VHF/ST Doppler radar and the building for monitoring

Vehicular dual-wavelength radar

ABL automatic meteorological observation tower